The Canadians have been tasked with counter attacking a Soviet push. The Canadians have formed a composite force using additional units of Australian, New Zealand, Belgian and Danish Leopards to flush out their tank force.
The recce units are made up of Canadian reservists including the Prince Edward Island Regiment, equipped with Ford Mutt Jeeps armed with TOWs and MGs and 8th Hussars equipped with Iltis Jeeps armed with Milans and mgs
A war gamming blog on the Cold War in 1/72. Emphasis on plastic figures, and equipment on all sides. Plus a smattering of Pop culture soldiers on both sides of the divide would have enjoyed.
Know your enemy! Nato vs Warsaw Pact
Monday, 29 April 2019
Monday, 15 April 2019
My Team Yankee force will stand as is for now.
I have to make a promise to myself and not spend any funds on increasing my collection until I pay off my debts. Over the winter I had several setback in my home and have to get them in order.
However, with the kits I have, I can fight battles with what I own.
So I will finish building what I have and continue play
Or I pay in cash.
Luckily I was able to get a new job which has better hours, benefits and overtime bonuses which means that I have been able to slowly build up my Warsaw Pact forces
NATO will be built up in 2020
Monday, 8 April 2019
BBC breaking news: Soviet Fall offensive, 1985
The Soviets have launched a new offensive operation. They have air dropped a Soviet Airborne brigade supported by a Soviet Tank division! The first act was for a Soviet Airborne brigade drop on an airport and take it. Once more troops could be flown in, they then began to cautiously advance forward. The only NATO troops in the area are a West German reservist battalion who have been ordered to observe the Soviet build up until NATO troops can arrive. They have been ordered to try and halt the invasion by holding a farm complex.
According to the West German reservists, the Soviets have a rocket battery of a Grad and a SCUD. This might be a Nuclear armed SCUD, which will give pause to any attack.
From the sound of tracked vehicles, and glimpses, a T-62 company is in the vicinity of the rocket battery. A Lutheran Church has been occupied by what is estimated to be a battalion of Soviet Airborne. A Ruined checkpoint has also been occupied and the high ground at the airport has seen troops digging in. This may indicate that this area will be the main focus of Warsaw Pact aggressive action in this region.
Meanwhile, NATO have been on a huge mobilization program. The US and Canada have begun a huge rearmament program in their auto sector. This has led to a huge boost to their economy as a huge new labor force has been hired to build the replacement tanks, guns, trucks, and munitions which will be needed to push back this new offensive. The United Nations has successfully kept both super powers from deploying their Nuclear weapons, but this has only kept the conventional weapons campaign on hold through the winter. However the threat of Nuclear war still looms, and with this new offensive by the Soviets, the Americans may resort to the Nuclear option to achieve a victory. This has led to a fractured relationship with NATO as Europe will bear the brunt of any strike. NATOs planned offensive will test the ability to defend and defeat the Soviets with a conventional counter offensive.
The West German reservists, fighting for their own community observed the Soviet hordes flooding into their area. With the local airfield captured, the Soviets have air lifted a large amount of troops and their Warsaw Pact allies have raced through to the area with the Soviets to have 14 tank squadrons in the area: 2 T-80, 4 T-72, 3 T-55, 1 T-62, 1 PT-76. 1 IS-3, 2 T-34/85
In addition, the Warsaw Pact have:
1 BTR 152 motor rifles section,
1 BTR 60 motor rifle section,
2 BMP-1 and 2 BMP-2 sections
A Carnation battery and a rocket battery.
In addition to that, there is also a SU-100 sp gun/Anti-tank battery as well as several Anti-tank missile teams, as well as RPG-7 teams.
Having gathered their intelligence, NATO is rushing forward a mixed brigade comprising:
A Dutch led battle group, consisting of
A Leopard 2 section, 3 Leopard 1 sections,
2 artillery batteries of sp guns, a towed battery of guns, 6 M113 infantry sections,
A flight of CF-18s, a flight of West German Anti-tank helicopters, and a missle battery.
The objective for NATO is to inflict as many casualties on the Warsaw Pact forces, and to drive the heathen Communist force from the Lutheran Church.
Several of the tank sections on the way are reservists using older gear, but in this fight, if it has a gun, and can still shoot, it will be in the fight. Several NATO countries are scrounging their stores, and museums for tanks which still work and they have ammunition for.
a Dutch Leopard 2 section advances through the woods to attack the Soviets to their front. They will last 4 turns until stopped by the Russian T-80 battalion. One Leopard 2 still stands
the Dutch left continues to advance past the farm to clear the wood while the right flank held by a Scandanavian brigade advances towards the church. The Danish armor takes on the Czechs while the Norwegian infantry advance towards the housing estate in front of the church.
According to the West German reservists, the Soviets have a rocket battery of a Grad and a SCUD. This might be a Nuclear armed SCUD, which will give pause to any attack.
From the sound of tracked vehicles, and glimpses, a T-62 company is in the vicinity of the rocket battery. A Lutheran Church has been occupied by what is estimated to be a battalion of Soviet Airborne. A Ruined checkpoint has also been occupied and the high ground at the airport has seen troops digging in. This may indicate that this area will be the main focus of Warsaw Pact aggressive action in this region.
Meanwhile, NATO have been on a huge mobilization program. The US and Canada have begun a huge rearmament program in their auto sector. This has led to a huge boost to their economy as a huge new labor force has been hired to build the replacement tanks, guns, trucks, and munitions which will be needed to push back this new offensive. The United Nations has successfully kept both super powers from deploying their Nuclear weapons, but this has only kept the conventional weapons campaign on hold through the winter. However the threat of Nuclear war still looms, and with this new offensive by the Soviets, the Americans may resort to the Nuclear option to achieve a victory. This has led to a fractured relationship with NATO as Europe will bear the brunt of any strike. NATOs planned offensive will test the ability to defend and defeat the Soviets with a conventional counter offensive.
The West German reservists, fighting for their own community observed the Soviet hordes flooding into their area. With the local airfield captured, the Soviets have air lifted a large amount of troops and their Warsaw Pact allies have raced through to the area with the Soviets to have 14 tank squadrons in the area: 2 T-80, 4 T-72, 3 T-55, 1 T-62, 1 PT-76. 1 IS-3, 2 T-34/85
In addition, the Warsaw Pact have:
1 BTR 152 motor rifles section,
1 BTR 60 motor rifle section,
2 BMP-1 and 2 BMP-2 sections
A Carnation battery and a rocket battery.
In addition to that, there is also a SU-100 sp gun/Anti-tank battery as well as several Anti-tank missile teams, as well as RPG-7 teams.
Having gathered their intelligence, NATO is rushing forward a mixed brigade comprising:
A Dutch led battle group, consisting of
A Leopard 2 section, 3 Leopard 1 sections,
2 artillery batteries of sp guns, a towed battery of guns, 6 M113 infantry sections,
A flight of CF-18s, a flight of West German Anti-tank helicopters, and a missle battery.
The objective for NATO is to inflict as many casualties on the Warsaw Pact forces, and to drive the heathen Communist force from the Lutheran Church.
Several of the tank sections on the way are reservists using older gear, but in this fight, if it has a gun, and can still shoot, it will be in the fight. Several NATO countries are scrounging their stores, and museums for tanks which still work and they have ammunition for.

A large amount of Warsaw Pact armor has been taken out, however, there are still reserves on both Communist flanks.
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