Know your enemy! Nato vs Warsaw Pact

Know your enemy! Nato vs Warsaw Pact

Sunday, 8 December 2024

Plastic Soldier Company Soviet Cold War Infantry

 I've done a shot of the box before but the box top has since molded and rotted off my garage wall.

I believe this is the third set I've bought. And as noted before, it has all you need to field a complete company.

I'll check which of my Warsaw Pact units need troops. I believe my Checkslovakians, need the troops.

So far, I have a BMP-1 section with a new weapons company (BTR-50 will have to do)

A BMP-2 section

A BTR-60 weapons mounted company.

So, I'm going to do up the box as Czechoslovakian infantry.

The extra weapons sections, I'm going to pass on to those forces that need them. 

So, the set includes

141 figures  

3 AT-3 Sagger (older so pass onto other factions)

3 AT-4 Spiggots (to Poland, they don't have separate weapons companies)

3 AGS-17 Grenade launcher (to any faction that requires 

3 SA-7 Grails ( to a faction required 

6 PKM gunners

Rifleman and Grenadiers 

So my Czechs will get what they need.

Gepard Flak Batterie


I have a funny story about this post

So i got some Christmas gifts for myself.  I had planned to get a Roland system. I had wanted this one as well. 

So on my way to work, I remembered that I forgot

A. My work boots

B. My super glue.

C. My modeling tools.

So instead I'll write about the system. 

The Flakpanzer Gepard or Anti-aircraft Cheeta (it does sound better in German)

Was the Brundensveer  answer to all those pesky Communist choppers and planes.

2x Gepard is 5 points

The twin 35mm guns give a halted rate of fire of 5 and moving as 4.  ANTI-TANK of 11 Firepower 4+

Gepards can also be fielded by the Dutch, Belgians, 

Currently i have a lone system from Roco Mini-tank so I'll add that to my Dutch force.

So far I have a base coat of paint but it's in my painting que. 

Saturday, 7 December 2024

Soviet 122mm artillery battery

 The guns can serve in WW2 or the Cold War. The M1938 was used by the Soviets in WW2 but also by the Warsaw Pact and Soviet supplied clients in the Cold War. So several of my armies now have access to firepower. 

They are painted and based, just need tires painted and a picture. 

BTR-50 PK Company

 From the NAM range i was able to build these. I got another box of Soviet Infantry so they might be loading up in these.

The first BTR-50 i got was about 20 years ago while I was still in Japan. 

Those ones in have done up for my Polish Naval Infantry. 

Currently with the NAM set in believe I now have 15. 

I've painted them in a Military green. Just need to get a chance to take a picture.

Iraqi ZSU-57-2

 The Iraqis now have some AA, Support.

I've built them, got a basic paint job just need to take a picture.

Pakistan Recce group

 The beginnings of my Pakistan force.

A set of Jeep mounted infantry. The metal MGs look the worse for wear so I'm go8ng to get s9me MGs from my storage and bits.

Friday, 6 December 2024

Vallejo Scenery: Wild Tuft

 Recently I've decided to fluffy up my infantry stands. This pack should do up my Canadian 2PPCLI. 

Monday, 2 December 2024

Another look at The First Chechnya War 1994-96

 The nice thing about looking back at Wargames Illustrated March 2019 issues is to redo or reimagine what happened. 

I have lots of 15mm kits now and several different figure types, so I can do the battles of this period. 

With my new VDV weapons platoon can help,

My Iranian Basiji can be part of the Chenchens along with my American militia who have the right weapons

And with all the Soviet armour, 

Ah the possibilities 


 Ok, so I previously did a post on this from Wargames Illustrated issue 377 but I did it as a Bolt Action game.

This time  going to do a Team Yankee themed one in the scale they do.

This will coinside with my build up of say non European gear, more into expanding my 15mm collection to what they had then.

I also believe that I have one of the Wargames Illustrated issues with a previously fought war between these two whereby Pakistan Pattons get thrashed.

As well, Battlefront Minatures has also come out woth a new Plastic Centurion tank, and an M48 Patton kit which will make building the armies easier.


26th Frontier Force

Capt. Arif HQ: 4LMG teams

29th Cavalry

M48 Pattons x8

Jeep mounted infantry: 12 jeeps, 24 LMG teams

26th FF with Razakar Militia: 8 Rifle bases


Maj Singh HQ; 4 Rifle and LMG teams

Indian Artillery: 4x 25pdr

69th Armoured Regiment: 8x T-55

12th Rajputana Rifles: 4 trucks with 10 rifle bases, 4 LMG teams

So something i can build up over the winter.

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Saturday, 16 November 2024

2nd Marine Division Scout


The start of a new American force.

M113 Artillery OP


So yes the card is for Israel but I had this American painted M113 i bought in Ginza, Tokyo about 20 years ago. 

HMMWV Cavalry Troop


American Armoured Combat Team


Challenge for tonight: M-23 Flogger

 On the way to work, I stopped by my neighborhood hobby shop and I got this Academy Kit. Now I know that TY uses the SU-25 but since I got this kit for only 7.00!

My plan it to have this from box to painted  within 10 hours.

As much as I wanted to, decals shall wait

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Red Dawn/Team Yankee US 7th Cavalry

 As many readers may have noticed, I don't portray many US units as I find they almost always get all the glory.

However, I had a few bits and pieces laying about and I've painted them and got their cards to use.

Hq: 1 Abraham's tank

1 Abraham squadron: 2 Abraham tanks

1 M60 squadron 

3 HMMWV Squadrons

1 Bradley troop (2)

M113 Op

Artillery battery (M203 x2)

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Red Dawn: Trapped in the Snow

 3 Soviet Airborne companies,  1 in Ambush

(None in transports)


2 Militia groups

Red Dawn: The Timber Yard

  2 BTR-60 companies, and additional one in reserve


2 Militia groups

Red Dawn: Civilian Prisoner Rescue

 Soviets 2 BTR-60 companies (4 Akms, 3 RPG-7s, 4 BTR-60)


Additional BTR-60 company


2 MILITIA groups

Red Dawn: Gas Station Ambush

 This scenario reminds me of the Last Stand of Tank 66, a scenario in the initial Team Yankee book.

This one however pits a single tank, which while is listed as a T-72, could be any tank of the Warsaw Pact in the invasion of North America.

1 T-72 (or any tank) and a possible discounted  crew armed with AKMs


BRDM-2 platoon


Militia Group, with civilian decoys 

Red Dawn: 124th Guards Tank Regiment

 This Soviet force is going to be made up of T-55 AM tanks.

Since I have a large amount of T-55s they should help out, though T-55s are a stretch 

Red Dawn: Soviet 225th Tank Regiment

 So the 225th I'm modeling with the T-72B tanks which I got last year (2023)

So far I haven't painted them yet but I plan on doing them in a generic colour so that I can use them interchangeable.

163rd Armoured Cavalry Regiment:Montana National Guard 1985

 So I'm building up a basic American force. As the majority of American gear would be out in Europe, this force is going to be top heavy on M-60 and M-48 tanks plus some older gear to outfit a reserve unit of the 1980s.

So far we have


1 M-48 HQ

4 M-48s

2 M-41s

Mutt Jeep TOWs

Duster AA M-48

Weapons support platoon of mortars, Anti-tank platoons 

In addition, the Erica's can call on

A Cobra Helicoper platoon

M270 MLRS battery


HMMWV Cavalry troop of the old 7th Calvary 


1 troop of Pickup trucks armed 

10 Assault Rifle teams, 4 RPG-7 teams 

2 60mm teams

97th Guards Parachute Regiment

A much older Airborne SP gun

 My Soviet VDV force I've built up with a weapons support company

AGS-17 Grenade launcher

SA-14 Gremlin AA


7 AK-74, 3 RPG-7, 


And 82mm mortars

What i don't have, are the BMDs


BTR-D systems 

Nona Mortars

However, over time I will build these up.

For the most part, they shall be Parachute dropped until I can get their gear unless they also come in by helicopters 

78th Cuban Armoured Division

 So I have been building a Cuban force for my Red Dawn theatre of operations.

The 78th Armoured Division that I currently have is 

T-62 HQ x1

T-62 Compania De Tanques (4 tanks)

SU-100 Compania De Tanques (5)

T-55 Batallon De Tanques

T-55 HQ X 1

T-55 Compania De Tanques (5)

T-34/85 (5)

Note the T-34/85 had been replaced but since I need more gear on the ground they are being drafted in.

Other support such as 

BMP-1 and BTR-60 are being drafted in from other bits until I can outfit them.

I do have a BMP-1 or BTR-60 Compania De Infanteria 

4 AKM teams, 3 RPG-7 teams 

In addition the BTR-60 Compania is a weapons support group with

AGS-17 Grenade launcher

AT-3 Sagger

SA-7 Grail

Additional infantry comes from my Iraqi force as they are the same kit but in desert colours 

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

West German Panzer Kompanie

 Currently my West German Panzer Kompanie is a bit small. With only 1 Leopard 1 Zug, a HQ, it has an M113 Panzergrenadier Zug attached as well as  Marder Zug.

The reasons why this force is small is partial deliberate and also i haven't been able to flesh it out.
I'd like to get the Panzer company up to full strength with Leopard 1 and another in Leopard 2.
I have some basic artillery but I need to flesh them out also.

West German Panzeraufklarungs Kompanie


About two years ago, I took some shots of my West German force with their cards. However I hadn't explained how I organized my force.

So my Panzeraufklarungs Kompanie is:

1 Leopard 1 Panzeraufklarungs Kompanie HQ (1 tank)

2 Luchs Spah Trupp (2 vehicles each)

1 Gepard Flakpanzer Batterie

1 Leopard 1 Panzer Zug (2 tanks)

1 Fuchs Panzeraufklarungs HQ (1 Fuch)

1 Fuchs Panzeraufklarungs Zug (3 Fuchs, 3 MG3 teams and a Milan.

So, basically this is a super heavy armoured reccee unit with enough firepower to scout out areas but also with the ability to fight off a strong probe.

Tuesday, 29 October 2024


 For my Soviet force, this is the best tank they produced before the end of the Cold War.

I have just one squadron. 


 I now have a rather large amount of these as well.

I have the upgraded and regular ones which I'll post shortly 


 Previously this had been the largest force i had however that changed. 

So far I have squadrons for





T-62 1st Guards Tank Regiment

 I've been interested in this tank since I saw the movie The Beast.

Currently I have a T-62 upgraded squadron and a Cuban regular squadron as well.

Pictures to follow 


 A while back, I bought a full T-64 Regiment to run. I've decided to turn it into 2 different units with added on Anti-tank and support options.

Of course my system is flexible enough that I could run a full tank Regiment. 

Pictures to soon follow


 This wee little scout car just seems like a cute little recce vehicle that the Warsaw Pact had to use.

This summer I got to see one up close.

As can be seen, this one still has the wheels which could be used over rough ground.

I had the chance to paint up the spare one I had. I'll post a shot later.

Thursday, 24 October 2024

Czechoslovakian Assault Landing Company

 Currently I'm reorganizing and confirming what I actually have for each of my forces.

My Lidova Armada force is a token unit but I belive I have a full compliment. Once I check with my other units I'll know more.

Soviet Assault Landing Company

 So for my Soviet Airborne troops we have Air Assault Company or Assault Landing Company.

Both can come into the game by MI-24 Hind.

For my Soviets, I have 2 Hinds to take the small Company I have. Or they can bring in my Soviet Paratroopers. 

Currently my heliborne troops are a small group 4 AK-74 with RPG-7 teams but my Air Assault Company is about 7 AK-74 teams with RPG-7 teams and PKM sections. 


 The Sukhoi Su-25 is a tough airframe which is now at a full squadron to add air support to my Soviet and Warsaw Pact troops.



From the Warsaw Pact book (Battlefront Minatures 2021)

In December of 1984, the East German Airforce was issued the Sukhoi Su-22M4 fighter bombers. 
So my East Germans have the ability to deliver a good amount of air support to theor troops as well as their allies.
I decided to give the DDR force these as they have no helicopters.
So after nealy a year, I finally got them assembled and a basic paint job. I'll decal later.