Know your enemy! Nato vs Warsaw Pact

Know your enemy! Nato vs Warsaw Pact

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

NATO Armor: The British Army 1965-95

Fortunately, I  have my own pictures of my armor collection  they are still in the process of being painted and restored. Previous shots are from

I have 2 Chieftians

2 Alvis Armor cars

2 Scorpions, and 2 Scimitars plus 1 command version

2 Landrovers

2 105 mm guns

2 1ton Landrovers

2 Saracen APCs

2 Challengers.

1 Warrior viechle.

1 Bedford truck

I have gradually increased the composition of my British force

Friday, 29 November 2013

NATO: West German Tank hunters

Nato tatical doctrine at the time emphasised the need to have better equipment to slow down and take out Soviet and Warsaw Pact armor.
As an interm gap, I will field some Second War Panzerjagers
Pictures of my own collection will be added

NATO: West German Armor

The Federal Republic of Germany would have had to face off against their own countrymen and the Russians.
I shall be upgrading the images with my own shortly

NATO: Canada, Royal Canadian Dragoons.

Originally I had posted about my Canadian Armor from the folks over at  "Platoon" is a very gifted artist and has made an entry. Quite a cool looking bit of kit.  My step-father was in  Lord Strathconas.
Leopard C1 main battle tank, Canadian Forces, 1981
The German Leopard C1 battle tank replaced the British Centurion in the Canadian Forces in 1978.

(Insert my own picture of the poster)
And my own Canadian brigade for the table currently is this
(Insert pages)

Friday, 22 November 2013

Landscape of the Cold War

Most of the buildings which I use for my Cold War games comes from Tomix rail system from Japan. While I was a single guy, I build up quite a collection of buildings and figures. Once I met my wife, these all went into storage back in Canada. If the pictures on this site are lost, I will get shots of my own gear back in storage

 Incidently, when I bought a small Asian style farmhouse, the old woman in the shop mentioned that she was born and lived in one as a little girl. There was one still next to the Shin-Kesei line in Chiba-prefecture until about 2003.

Since I have moved home and gotten my own house with a garage, I have been able to unpack and assemble many items that have been in storage since

My WARSAW PACT forces in 1/72

This set while fleshing out my Soviets, had no support weapons. 

 My Airborne and Naval Infantry were painted from these.

My East German, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech
More Airborne, suitable for Europe, North American or Afganistan!,
for more support weapons 

I'm in the process of updating my blog with pictures of my own collection

My NATO forces in 1/72

I have mostly a plastic collection in 1/72. I have a few metals as heavy weapons but I'm a plastic wargammer.
Click for larger image(plasticsoldierreview)

(plasticsoldierreview) These I've painted as my Royal Gurkha Rifles
Click for larger image, Click for larger image, Click for larger image,
, My basic American army, but I'm thinking on downsizing them.
, British and Canadian troops. The British are carrying the SA80 while the Canadians have the FNC1A1 and Sterling Sub-Machine gun
, These are painted as Danish, West German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese,
, My French troops I've painted as FFL and Peacekeepers
My Italian, and Greek troops are painted as these.
, These Matchbox British Para's are painted as 2Para, 45 Commando, and 2RGJ

My Canadian units from 1988 are equipped with the C-7. Yes, these are American Vietnam era infantry but until they make 3D copiers cheaper, I'll have to make do with these.
, but my 1990 Canadian's are painted from these. ,
Click for larger image, Click for larger image, Click for larger image,
My West German/German units are made up of these Panzer-Grenadiers, FallschirmJager, and KRK and KSK units.

Click for larger image

Sunday, 17 November 2013

WARSAW PACT: Soviet Artillery

Soviet artillery was made up of either rockets or self-propelled guns
As of 2018, I have upgraded my artillery with a Carnation battery of 3 guns and am still working on repairing the grad rocket launcher truck
I also have a Scud missile launcher.
There is also an Arcadia battery, pictures up shortly

WARSAW PACT: Soviet Airborne Forces

Anyone who watched the film "Red Dawn" made in the 1980s will be familiar with these. The Soviet Airborne were always used in Soviet Invasions. Hungary 1956, Prauge 1968, Kabul 1979

More pictures of my own collection will be available shortly 


My SCUD model is actually a ROCO minitanks version.
I shall be posting a shot of it shortly in 2018/19.

NATO: American Cavalry section

I'm in the process of upgrading my older postings. My American force is extremely small but potent. I shall post shortly

NATO Artillery: MLRS

This weapon system is used by the RA, The Dutch Artillery, of course the Americans. The Germans also use this. I have mine painted up as a battery in the Royal Artillery. Further newer pictures to follow

A typical Soviet Mechanized Brigade Group based on what I hav

The prior art work I had here please view on
I'm in the process of revamping my older blog postings with pictures from my own collection.