A NATO force of Danish, Norwegian, French and Italians are attempting to contain the Soviets to the town rather than allowing them to push out into the countryside

elements of the 29th Guards IDRITSA Tank Regiment push into the town.

the Italians knock out one Russian tank.

The Russians knock out the Italian tank squadron

a further Italian tank squadron is busy fixing their damaged engines while the Italian mechanized battalion take cover.

the Danish Logistics units try to quickly move the supplies away from the Soviet attack.

the Danish and Norwegian tank regiments move in to knock out the IDRITSA Regiment and are in turn knocked out by the 914th KIEV Artillery Regiment, 3 2S1 Carnation SP Howitzer

after a fierce attack, the 295th Guards Motor Rifle Regiment are blown apart by the Danish Jagers and Norwegian Mechanized Infantry.
However, the Soviets are
still holding the town.
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