17th/21st Lancers with 4 Chieftain tanks are holding Hill 214 with a company of the Irish Guards. As the remainder of the battle group is deployed elsewhere, the equipment is a little sparse. The infantry are mounted in the older Humber Pig AFV.
The Soviets are engaging the British with their newest T-80 tanks. They are supported by a BMP-1
Photos loaded in reverse order

All British armor have been taken out.

Soviets encircle the British

Irish Guards attempt to hold off the Soviet Infantry

Soviets keep coming

Royal Irish Hussars are taking hits

first tank gets taken out

Irish Guards begin to deploy.
The British HQ throws a track having rushed up to the top of the hill

Weapons support team takes position.
The Irish Guards unfortunately had bad communications due to the Soviets jamming the frequency of the British radio net. Many units never moved. They were picked off one by one.
The hill was taken. The Soviets pushed on.
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