The British having been equipped with new transports, anti-tanks Milan teams and fresh troops are eager to push back against the Communist hordes.
The main force consists of the Irish Guards Battle group with attached support and an ANZAC brigade.

a full Chieftain section, one of the tanks I got in trade this spring

my camoflauged Strikers

Spartan transports

Scimitars with TA infantry in support

traffic jam on the Highway caused issues for the British offensive

Scorpion squadron

Challenger section with a Centurion scrounged up by the REME from a depot back in the UK to help make up for losses in the war.

Warsaw Pact forces are fielding older kit as the war attrition begins to affect units.
While the British were to have launched an offensive, a Bulgarian and Romanian force rushed forward to block the planned attack. Their artillery did a number on British units while massive swarms of infantry have nullified the armor. Despite the artillery being towed, they halted the British armor. The situation still remains uncertain.
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