Know your enemy! Nato vs Warsaw Pact

Know your enemy! Nato vs Warsaw Pact

Sunday, 29 January 2023

Soviet Infantry and Cubans on the way

 I've ordered some more Soviet infantry via the Aviation museum in Nova Scotia and a set of Cuban Grenade launchers for the new Red Dawn series.

And some bases for my units.

Oh and some T-55s to flesh out my East Germans and to start my new Cuban force.

The T-55s arrived and I liked them so much, I ordered another set!

Currently my East Germans now have a T-55 battalion with 2 companies. Pictures to follow in the T-55 article

The infantry arrived and I have painted most of them, just waiting on bases from them. At present, I now have 2 additional companies of Soviet Infantry, while the Polish Naval Infantry division is getting fully manned.

What they will need now is some more transports. So depending on situations, they will be getting OT-64s shortly within the year. BTR-60s and BMP-1s and BMP-2s will also be increasing.

I got the new bases for the figures and Cuban grenade launcher team but still need super glue.

Leopards on the way

Canadian War Museum

Canadian War Museum

 I ordered a Battlefront Minatures Leopard 1 set while the Aviation museum curator is selling me 2 sets from Plastic Soldier Company. And after they arrived, I ordered 2 more!

So my NATO forces will be larger for the Canadian, Dutch and Australian force.

After building the first set of 5, I decided that the ten I had to build will become Canadian while the next 10 will be Australian. The box of 5 from Battlefront will become Dutch.

Each set I'm getting has 5 per box so I'm getting 25 tanks in total which will work well when I combine my units together.

Eventually I hope to have each country to have 2 sections of 10  tanks each.

Battlefront Miniatures has also indicated that a new NATO book and a Nordic book should be coming out so I'm going to build up NATO as I've built up my Warsaw Pact forces for a while.

All sets arrived, I didnt get my Gorilla glue so instead, I used rubber cement. 

Currently my Leopard force stands at:

Royal Canadian Dragoons: 1 HQ of 3 C1s with 3 troops of 4 C1s each

1 Australian Armored Regiment 1 HQ of 2 Leopards, 2 troops of 4 Leopards each

Netherlands 1 HQ of 2 Leopards, 1 troop of Leopard 1 of 4 tanks, with Armoured Recce of 2 troops of 2 Leopards 

Saturday, 7 January 2023

Soviet, Syrian and Iranian invasion of Turkey!

 Pushing on the Southern front, 


T-72 Battalion 

 Motor Rifle Battalion:

BTR -60 


 T-62 squadron 

Basiji Battalion 


Airborne assault Battalion 



M-48 tank squadron

M-41 tank squadron



Rapid Reaction Force


Abraham's combat team

From the Iranian, Soviet side
Oddly, Iranian M109 firing on their own origin country, USA
NATO forces pushing across
Turkish and French infantry take on Iranian Basiji Battalion 
Turkish and American Artillery use French helicopters to spot for them.

Monday, 2 January 2023

Jordanian vs Syrians, PLA 1970


Syrian and PLA holding a town on the Jordan river
Syrian Recce Battalion with PLA fighters in support
Syrian Anti-tank battery
Jordanian helicopters view Syrian position 
Jordanian Armoured Brigade takes up position 
The Jordanian 25pdr battery open up and cause a Syrian T-34/85 squadron to bail out.

The Sexton then fires as well but fails to take them out. The Jordanian Anti-tank battery of M10s knocks out 2 more while the Fireflys finish them off. The M-41 squadron push ahead and fire on the IS-2 squadron bailing them out while the M48 squadron advance and knock out several BTR-50 APCs. The infantry remain in reserve.

Despite the tenacity of the Jordanians, the Syrians and PLA held onto the town. King Hussien will reorganize and try again.